Step into 423 Queen St in Alexandria, VA, a Historic Virginia Home for Sale
Step into 423 Queen, and step down into your own speakeasy!
1219 Delafield Pl NW, A Well-Appointed Washington, DC City Home
What’s the greatest luxury in a city home? Well appointed space! 1219 Delafield Pl NW is bursting with it.
The Art of Selling Luxury Real Estate
In this episode of Estate of Mind, Tami Simms is joined by Sherri Anne Green, an award-winning D.C. area luxury real estate professional.
Wellness in the Luxury Home | New & Notable
Brought on by an increased awareness of how the live, and how a home impacts overall wellbeing, the luxury homeowner is taking a keen intere
Luxury Real Estate Market Trends | 2020-2022
How have the last two years shaped overall trends in Luxury Real Estate. Is it selling, how quickly, what do we expect for the future?
Luxury Real Estate | What Happened 2020-2022?
What happened in the luxury real estate space over the last two years? This video addresses the luxury real estate market and buyers.